TrackJS error monitoring, on your servers. We’re thrilled to announce official support for Node environments and the 1.0.0 release of our Node agent.

We’ve actually had Node since sometime last year, but we’re finally formalizing it as a first-class citizen and fully-supported part of TrackJS!

Here are some of the cool things you can do with TrackJS for Node.

Request Telemetry Isolation

Request Error Telemetry
Request Error Telemetry

Since the very beginning of TrackJS, error telemetry has been our primary goal. We think understanding the story of how an error occurred is critically important to fixing it. This had to work in NodeJS as well.

But unlike the web browser, a Node application is handling multiple requests for different users at once. We needed to keep multiple, isolated telemetry timelines going at the same time so we could show the most relevant events when an error happened.

Environment Dependency Discovery

Context about the environment
Context about the environment

NodeJS has a lot of dependency problems that are further compounded by cloud operating environments. When you install dependencies for your app, do you know exactly which version is running? When deploying to the cloud, do you know what version they are running?

Rather than guessing or sifting through documentation, we discover this from the running environment, finding the running version of node as well as each installed module.

Integrations with Express and NextJS

Integrates with Express and NextJS
Integrates with Express and NextJS

Aside from automation scripts, few developers use vanilla NodeJS. The most common integrations are with web servers like Express or web applications like NextJS—and we support both! There are native integrations to both Express and NextJS, and the agent is fully compatible with other frameworks as well.

Open Source

We built the NodeJS agent out in the open, and it’s source code is public on GitHub for you to review or extend. We wanted to make it easy for developers to understand how it’s working or add custom integrations with their code.

We’re still growing and making the web a nicer place for developers. Give the NodeJS agent a try and let us help you build better web applications and web services.

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Todd is a software engineer, business leader, and developer advocate with 20+ years of experience. He is a co-founder and CEO of TrackJS and Request Metrics,...

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