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Tracker TypeScript Definitions

By Todd H Gardner

We just released a TypeScript Definition file for our tracker! I know that many of you use and love Typescript. I must admit, I have been skeptical that it would be adopted. I really like writing JavaScript. But there are so many fantastic projects finding success with TypeScript and TrackJS, so it’s time we bring them together.

Starting in tracker release 2.4.0, you’ll find a tracker.d.ts TypeScript definition file. This documents our complete JavaScript API: everything from the TrackJS initialization object to the window.trackJs global namespace.

I tried it out with a little sandbox project, and I think it’s pretty slick. VSCode even shows intellisense from it!

VSCode Tracker Intellisense Tracker Intellisense in VSCode

We hope you find it valuable. Please let us know if you see any issues using the definitions, or anything else with the tracker. We’d love to make it better for you. If you’re not using TrackJS yet, why not grab a free 14-day trial of TrackJS! You’ll be amazed by what you can fix.

Todd H Gardner
Todd H Gardner
CEO and Cofounder