So you’re at the bar and someone asks, “What does your software do anyway?”. How do you respond? How do you condense your technical feats into a response concise enough for the alcohol-fueled mind and amazing enough to remember tomorrow?

We bump into a lot of our potential customers at social events, and the bar demo is our version of the elevator pitch. Having a compelling story that you can share at the bar, and grab the attention of everyone nearby is really important. It helps open doors and spread a conversation.

For almost two years I have been giving the bar demo at conferences, meetups, and pubs around the world. Many have mused they’ve never seen anything quite like it, and we think its an awesome way to introduce what’s killer about TrackJS.

Using the awesome capability of MooCards to print a different image on the back of every card, we carved up our Telemetry Timeline into a compelling story that developers could quickly identify with. I carry these cards everywhere I go and its been an invaluable hook.

Now that you’ve seen our awesome demo, grab a free trial of TrackJS and start squashing some bugs in your web application.

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Todd is a software engineer, business leader, and developer advocate with 20+ years of experience. He is a co-founder and CEO of TrackJS and Request Metrics,...

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