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October 2018 Product Updates

By Todd H Gardner

The TrackJS team is hard at work streamlining the system and giving you even better tools to capture, understand, and fix the errors on the web. Here’s what we’ve been up to lately:

Changed Transactional Email to MailGun

We changed our provider for transactional emails, such as alerts, scheduled reports, and system messages, from Mandrill to MailGun. So far, this has been quite a bit more reliable.

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New Invoice Email Design

Updated the styles on the Invoice Email design to show off our new branding and show more information such as the service dates and that the invoice had already been paid.

Moved Operations to Slack

Our internal operations had been running on HipChat for a long time. But with Atlassian discontinuing it, we needed to migrate to Slack. We've changed over all our internal monitoring tools and ChatOps to a new Slack room.

Errors and Versions Top-Level Nav

Updated the top-level navigation to rename "Messages" to "Errors", which is more meaningful. We also exposed the existing metadata information we have about Versions into its own page.

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Todd H Gardner
Todd H Gardner
CEO and Cofounder